Animals Need Us❣️

Help Stop Animal Cruelty and Abuse.

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit • Dog Rescue

Animals Need Us❣️

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit • Dog Rescue


Save a Life!

We place dogs in loving, responsible, committed permanent homes, following a comprehensive Adoption Process which includes taking considerable care in finding good matches and educating prospective adopters about the responsibilities and costs of bringing a pet into their homes and lives.

Animals in our care are spayed or neutered, receive all appropriate veterinary care and treatment, and placed in nurturing foster homes while they await placement in their permanent homes.

You Can Help Provide Shelter, Food and Love to Animals in Need. Donate Today! Stop Animal Abuse. Help Animals in Need. Fight Animal Cruelty. Be Their Voice. Impact an Animal's Life. Save Lives Every Day. Click Here>>

Bluetails will adopt animals to adults (must be 21 or older) who demonstrate they are responsible individuals and can provide adequate assurances that they intend to provide proper care for an animal's entire life. Click Here>>

By taking an animal in need temporarily into your home, you're freeing up a spot so Bluetails rescue can take in another dog. Giving your foster dog the time he needs to be ready for adoption. Click Here>>

Volunteer work is the cornerstone that joins charitable service and hard work. While you do not receive monetary compensation for volunteer hours, the impact you have on our animals and rewards of service go far beyond that of payment in $$. Click Here>>

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Dogs Rescued


Dogs adopted OUT


Dogs available

Success Snapshots

What Animal Lovers Say About Us

Blue tails helped us move through the adoption process quickly. We knew which animal we were interested in adopting and they made sure we completed each step of the adoptions process quickly but safely.

Abbey Sanchez

Everyone at bluetails was so friendly! They have their hands full, for sure. Peanut, formally Mellow, is a happy little guy. They told me how they lost out money wise for him, but didn't ask for more with his adoption fee. I'm so happy my application was approved!

Marisa! Mellow

I had a great experience with Bluetails rescue. They are very thorough and clearly take care to make sure the animals they adopt out go to a good home.

Clint Bonacorso

Bluetails Pet Rescue

Bluetails Pet Rescue is a non profit foster based animal rescue located in the greater New Orleans area and takes in neglected dogs, provides them with medical care and a loving environment while finding them a permanent home.

Our mission is to rescue animals in need, rehabilitate as necessary, prepare for adoption and ultimately place in loving homes.

All donations are used 100% in funding the rescue and adoption effort.

Serving New Orleans Area

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We are dedicated to rescuing dogs left homeless for whatever reason – animals in public shelters where they are at high risk of euthanasia due to pet overpopulation, pets given up by their owners because of difficult circumstances, and those in danger of abuse or neglect. ~ Courtney

2021 Copyright. All rights reserved.

Bluetails Pet Rescue is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We operate and raise all funds independently. Every dollar that you contribute has a significant impact on the animals we rescue and our mission to help as many as we can. 👉🏻 Donate Today

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